Thursday, April 17, 2014

Southwest Airlines changes in-flight tv screens.

I'm sure you've seen the T.V. commercial by now but I decided to delve more into the program that Southwest Airlines is instituting for their flights. A select number of high traffic flights now have planes that have no T.V. screens in the seats or overhead. Instead, it has been replaced with a downloadable app That allows TV to be streamed through your mobile or tablet device.
Courtesy: Southwest Airlines Co. (CC)

The service allows you to choose live TV or up to 75 shows through the on-demand service provided by Dish Network. The app also shows flight tracking and games throughout the duration of the flight. The app is free to download and the service in-flight is free. Internet and games however cost extra but this is no change from usual policies.

Last year, the FAA changed restrictions on electronic devices so that anything not emitting a cell signal may be used for the duration of the flight. Southwest has taken advantage of this, since removing the screens normally used in flight saves several hundred pounds in fuel costs and generally makes the aircraft lighter. (My major used to be Aerospace, you know)

Fret not if you don't have an iPad or smartphone. The airline is also providing a rental service that allows you to check out an iPad 2 if you provide a credit card. They are also now giving away iPad mini's to anyone who signs up for the Dish Hopper program. It's DVR TV service combined with a frequent flyer program that will set you back about $30 bucks a month.

With Southwest recently expanding to the East coast and a major hub in Atlanta, it's likely that you'll be using the service soon. Feel free to leave comments below.


-By: Levi Warner-

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