Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Faster streaming for Netflix at a heavy cost.

There's been a pretty high amount of uproar over the new net neutrality rules proposed by the FCC. If you haven't heard, the part that people care about is a little clause that would allow streaming services to strike deals with internet providers that would increase the speed at which content is streamed. So in the very near future, Netflix will be able to negotiate the speed at which it streams content.

Courtesy: Matt Perreault (CC)
It's already looking like they have a deal with AT&T. Today, they made a deal with Verizon as well.

I smell a little blood in the water. The changes are apparently coming because of a federal appeals court ruling that was filed by Verizon. That is immediately suspicious. It's like when Henry VIII threw the Catholic church out of England, just so he could divorce his wife and marry Anne Boleyn.

While speeds are increasing for Verizon internet users, it might be that Netflix intends to slow down other connections. Forcing expensive contracts with providers that drive up prices for internet service in general.

Obviously, this is bad for the common man. I pay enough for internet as it is. So, uh, I guess you should write a mean letter to your local congressman. In the meantime, I'll keep my eye on those two conniving hooligans.


-By: Levi Warner-

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