Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Student travels to Virginia Beach, Va. For Pageant

By Levi Warner

MARIETTA, Ga. — A senior at Kennesaw State University is set to compete as a Georgia representative in the International Junior Miss pageant  July 23-26 in Virginia.

            Rebecca Fusco, 23, will officially be representing the title of Miss Southern States in the competition and is competing against approximately 30 women in the highest division offered, the Miss division. Fusco, who was crowned Miss Georgia in 2012 and Miss Southern States in 2011 arrived in Virginia Monday and is extremely excited about the pageant.
Courtesy of Rebecca Fusco

“One of my favorite parts doing a pageant is rehearsals because you get to learn your entire production and I love dancing. Learning the opening number is something exciting for me,” said Fusco. “Obviously, I am most looking forward to bringing home the title to Georgia.”

Fusco is currently in her final year at Kennesaw State and intends to graduate in December with a degree in communication with a focus in media studies. She mostly grew up in nearby Marietta, Ga., and attended Kennesaw Mountain High School. 

Originally moving with her daughter from Youngstown, Ohio; it was Fusco’s mother, Debbie Allen, who decided to get her involved in pageants. Originally, Fusco had participated in a few pageants at age 2, yet those pageants were not successful. Then around age 15, Allen decided to re-enter her daughter into the pageant world.

“I think we got a letter in the mail for the Georgia State fair and I thought that it might be something that she would really love.” said Allen, “We just went down there and she did very well. She has been all about pageants ever since.”

The current level of participation shown by Fusco did not occur until five years ago when the International Junior Miss system was founded. The new system, full of beginners, gave Fusco the opportunity to hone her skills in a positive environment.

In the International Junior Miss system, contestants are judged in four main categories. First is introduction, a 30 second introduction about yourself. There is interview, which lasts around five minutes. There is fun fashion, in which an outfit of the contestant’s choice is worn. The last category is evening gown. There are also optional categories such as academic achievement, volunteer achievement, prettiest hair, prettiest dress, casual wear, and talents.

In preparing for the pageant, Fusco takes full advantage of Kennesaw State weight training facilities and watches her diet closely in the months approaching competition. This year, she has two coaches. They prepare her evening gown walk, her fun fashion walk, and write her introduction. They also help her prepare for interview questions.

            “There’s a character building aspect to it.” Fusco said, “A lot of people think we just get on stage and wear a pretty dress and that’s it. But in the end, it can really help build your character, build your confidence and it can help prepare you for the career you want to go into.”

Fusco recommends that any girls interested in pageantry check out all the systems and look for the amount of time involved for each system and avoid trying a system that doesn’t fit your time constraints or goals.

“Pagentry is not just what you see on television.” Fusco said, “If you are interested then attend a local event. Check them out before you take any judgment. We are hard working girls that get out in the community and volunteer.”


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