Friday, May 22, 2020

Top Ten Breaches of Social Code

Here's the good news. I've decided to start posting again. The bad news is my opinions are going out on the airwaves.

These are tough times. I even take a sip every time I hear "uncertain times" in an ad. You're welcome. (Btw, did you know that alcohol sales are up 55% and overall comparable to levels before prohibition? ...but I digress)

I think one of my biggest pet peeves is etiquette. Simply, when someone puts their priorities above others. Everyone is in a hurry, everyone wants to get where they are going. There is no reason that you are more important.

As such, I wanted to point out my top ten "Red in the face, steam blowing out my ears" faux pas' that people seem to consistently make in public.

1. Running into an elevator/train door before those people want to exit. 
Who the frick thinks this is acceptable. They should have been purged from society long ago.

2. Standing side by side on an escalator.
In really big cities, people know but people from smaller towns or idiots think that it's acceptable to go their own pace on an escalator. It's stand to the right, walk on the left. Just like the fast lane.

3. Meandering pedestrians.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. People like to stroll, but some people seem to sway from side to side. Stay in yo lane!

4. People who complain about traffic.
This one is specific. There's a certain subset of people who seem to think traffic happens to them. Like a nuisance they must deal with. Traffic does not happen to you, YOU are traffic. You also want to go that way.

5. People who bring babies on airplanes. 

6. Hecklers at live shows. 
I'm sorry your mommy and daddy didn't love you enough. Your attention complex isn't important enough to interrupt everyone's experience.

7. People who talk on cellphones on trains and buses. 
Once again, a more specific city reference. But I can't tell you how oblivious these people seem as they try to talk over the roaring train. I just want to listen to my Backstreet Boys in peace.

8. Trying to box you out at the bar. 
I have seen people think no one will notice that they've shoved their way to the front of a crowd at a bar. Funny enough, some bartenders notice and leave them hanging. Not funny: most bartenders don't.

9. Interrupting a story. 
I admit I am guilty of this and working on it. But it seems some people cannot wait to share their similar experience before I've hit my punchline.

10. Uber drivers who insist on having a conversation. 
I feel like most drivers figure out that you aren't in the mood. But I've literally had drivers pick me up at 4am on the way to the airport, hungover out of my mind, who want to know all about my life for 40 minutes, only to never see me again. Ugh.

Agree? Disagree? Something to add? Let me know in the comments

Until next time,
